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Sum Xuu

Sum Xuu

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  • Sum Xuu
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Quality Control

Whilst providing a quality, trusted service, we also place a high premium on quality craftsmanship. Our steel products are long-lasting, and always meet our clients exact specifications.

The purpose of this section is to display the general parameters and guidelines for the quality control of products manufactured on a day to day basis at the manufacturing facilities of Sunny Steel.

It is the intent of Sunny Steel to furnish products of the highest quality, using the best materials and workmanship available. All personnel involved in the quality control process, whether they are the location manager, or their designee, will conduct themselves in a professional manner, with the best interests of Sunny Steel Enterprise, and the customer in mind.


Our range of steel pipe testing equipment is among the most expansive in the seamless tube manufacturing industry. This equipment is essential for testing both the chemical and physical properties of each seamless pipe and the material used to make it. It also allows us to detect hidden steel tube defects, ensuring the pipe quality. Listed below is our primary range of testing equipment currently in operation.

1. Eddy current flaw detector

2. Ultrasonic flaw detector

3. Optical spectrum analyzer

4. Universal testing machine

5. Tensile strength tester, impact tester, hydrostatic test equipment, length measuring and weighing instruments.


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Contact Supplier

Sunny Steel Enterprise Ltd.
Contact nameSum Xuu
Chat Now
AddressNo.273, Siping Road Shanghai
  • Sum Xuu
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